Re-build Scholars (RBS) is an NGO based in Uganda working towards equitable access by creating a girl-powered future through transformative access to quality education opportunities, leadership development, and life skills education.
The educational inequality faced by female youth in rural areas is a pressing issue that Re-Build Scholars aims to address. Currently, nearly 30% of secondary school-age girls are out of school compared to 21% of boys, highlighting a significant gender gap. Our recent baseline survey in Kumi district revealed that many families depend on subsistence farming, earning less than $1 per day, which intensifies the challenges posed by underlying poverty. Cultural norms further exacerbate this issue, as families often prioritize boys’ education, viewing girls primarily as sources of income through early marriage and household labor. Consequently, many girls drop out after lower secondary education despite their eagerness to learn, severely limiting their opportunities for higher education and perpetuating a cycle of unemployment and poverty.
The future success of the African continent hinges on harnessing the skills and talents of its youth; however, income disparities prevent girls in rural areas from accessing quality educational opportunities. In Uganda, access to quality education remains an elusive right for many children. Without targeted interventions to address these systemic barriers, the educational aspirations of countless girls will continue to be dropped, undermining both individual potential and broader socio-economic development. It is imperative that we act now to create equitable educational pathways for all children, ensuring that every girl has the opportunity to thrive and contribute to her community.
At Re-build Scholars, our model balances the standard educational approach starting with the Higher Education Access Program (HEAP). This program provides comprehensive study scholarships to High Achieving-Low Income (HALI) girls, ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder their educational aspirations. With these scholarships, young women can navigate their educational journeys and envision futures beyond early marriage and subsistence farming.
Additionally, our Girls Leadership Accelerator Program (GLA), implemented within partner schools, focuses on engaging in meaningful discussions about life skills development, sexual and reproductive health, menstrual health, human rights, and entrepreneurship. These aspects equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills to make informed life choices, creating safe places for dialogue on policies that affect their wellbeing and empowering girls to reach their potential. We also implement community programs that help promote these skills and engage families in our approach.
Currently, Re-build Scholars has mentored over 200 students across our 5 partner schools, showcasing the impact that this educational approach can have on students and their families. Re-build Scholars aims to expand this model to other secondary schools and ultimately work with the government to scale the initiative nationwide.